Foundation for the History of Totalitarianism

School assembly presentation for teachers and sixth formers

This assembly presentation can be made by a teacher or a sixth former who has obtained permission. Sixth formers can become Holodomor Ambassadors.

The best time for school assembly presentations would be during November. The Holodomor is commemorated each year with services and the lighting of candles on the fourth Saturday. The week before would be ideal. This year, for example, it would be between November 20th and 24th. But the presentation could be made at any time.

The presentation download contains the script and a Powerpoint which contains slides and a video. The video features the distinguished historian, Anne Applebaum.

The presentation lasts 13 to 17 minutes but it could be edited to make it shorter. Ideally the presentation should be made with the participation of two or three students to read sections of the script.

The presentation can be downloaded free of charge here.

Once downloaded and saved, click “enable editing” and “enable content”.

We would be grateful if teachers could let us know if they have made a presentation or intend to do so.

Teachers may also apply for five free Holodomor lapel badges by supplying their details including a school address here.

Sixth form students can make assembly presentations provided their schools agree to this. They will become Holodomor Ambassadors. It should be a highly rewarding experience. Please click here for further details.

Please feel free to let us know your plans or email us with any queries at

Statue commemorating Holodomor in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Source: Jennifer Boyer