Foundation for the History of Totalitarianism

Holodomor Candle-holder Design Competition 2023

closed for entries

Every year the terrible famine known as Holodomor is commemorated on the fourth Saturday in November. It has become a tradition to remember the nearly four million deaths that took place with a candle placed in the front window as dusk falls.

The competition is to design a candle-holder which will include the word “Holodomor” so that passers-by will know the purpose of the candle.

The candle-holder must be:

  • Fireproof
  • Cheap to manufacture
  • Suitably sombre
  • An original design
Prize for overall winner: £400 and £50 for two runners up.
Prize for best entry from a school student: £300 and £30 for two school runners up.
(If the overall winner is a school student or aged 18 or below, the student will receive the £400 prize for overall winner instead.)

The candle holder can be made of metal, glass or other non-flammable materials. It is important that the word “Holodomor” should be legible from at least 2 yards/metres away. Entrants are welcome to create a prototype of the candle holder but this is not a requirement. 

You may submit multiple pictures of your design in a PNG, JPG, JPEG or PDF format and 600MB maximum of total upload size. If you decide to make a prototype, please submit photos of your design and we will let you know if we want to see the prototype itself. 

The deadline is 12 noon (GMT) on October 30th, 2023. The prizes will be presented at an event held at a prestigious location in central London in late November or early December. Entries are welcome from anywhere in the world.

We are honoured that Olga Stefanishyna, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, has agreed to be one of the judges. The other judges include Tszwai So, architect of the Belarusian Memorial Chapel in London and Hristiyan Mitev, distinguished graphic designer based in Sofia. 

Any queries should be emailed to